Monday, November 8, 2010


First off, to the handful of family and friends that read these, I want to apologize for the absence; its not like I have been too busy, I just have not been into writing for the last couple of weeks. So, for those of you reading this week, thanks for stickin with me, and I will try to do better.
I was recently asked about low energy and sources other than caffeine to help get us going in the morning or through that tough period in the afternoon that seems to always come around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Personally, I know that when I have to be sitting down all day it seems that I often get tired at the same time, and there are several reasons for this. So for the majority of people who do not have a job that allows them to constantly be moving, I will address a few possibilities for your fatigue with remedies.

First off, the obvious, you’ve been sitting on your butt for too long! Get up, and go for a walk around the office, do a couple of push ups at your desk, (I’ve seen it) or venture outside and take a walk, and get some vitamin D,…two dragons.
Second, your tired. I know this too is in the obvious category, but I am always amazed to hear that people sleep 4-5 hours a night and expect to be able to get through the day. That is not going to cut it, and if you take a little more interest in getting 6-8 hours it may have tremendous effects on your energy throughout the day.

Third, your diet is off. Besides poor diet choices which can often times translate to lethargy, when we go through long stretches without eating or do not eat enough, our bodies can produce excess insulin, which drains our energy because we do not have enough glucose in our bloodstream (low blood sugar). It may help you to eat a snack a couple of hours before or after lunch to get the body going a little bit, and your blood sugar stable.

Fourth, your dehydrated. Our bodies, much like the world are 2/3 water, and when there is not enough of this precious liquid it can cause, among other concerns, our blood to thicken which makes our heart work harder to move blood, and deprive us of the movement of many nutrients needed for energy through the body.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why you may get tired at work in the afternoon, many of which are diet related, and there are several non-caffeine answers to the problem. If none of these alternatives work for you and you feel like you “have to have coffee” have A cup, but do try and keep it minimal or, try an alternative good quality organic tea, a couple of squares of dark chocolate, yerba mate, or if you can get it, wheat grass.

“Don’t grieve when people fail to recognize your ability. Grieve for your lack of ability instead.” - C